Know Your Rights When Malaysia Police Arrest You
Many Malaysians or non-Malaysian do not know their rights when they are facing with police in Malaysia. So this article is intend to let you understand your rights when you are dealing with Malaysia police as according to the redbook pamphlets – POLICE AND YOUR BASIC RIGHTS or BUKU MERAH – POLIS DAN HAK-HAK ASAS ANDA . You can download the Malay and English updated version at Buku Merah or link below: Redbook pamphlet 26.08.09(Eng) Here are the contents of the redbook pamphlets (26-8-2009 version): 1. POLICE STOP YOU 1.1 Not in uniform, ask for identification Say: “ Please, show me your Police authority card “. 1.2 Police authority card Red : Suspended Police Officer. He has no authority to do anything to you. Walk away. Other colours: • Blue : Rank of Inspector and above • Yellow : Below the rank of Inspector • White : Reserve police Note his name and Police authority card number. ...