Q: Hi! i'm here for my vaccine and all hyped up about it! but can I ask u just one question before we proceed?
A: sure, go ahead!
Q: so once i get my shot i'm well protected from covid right?
A: Hmmm, u still can get the virus after the shot.
Q: oh, i mean after the 2nd shot, then i'm Fully protected right?
A: well, u will still need a booster shot.
Q: wow so it takes 3 shots for full protection?
A: well, due to new variants there will also be annual shots.
Q: omg, ok so that means i'll need to visit you once every year from now?
A: yes
Q: what about herd immunity?
A: that's unheard of
Q: sigh, but i have another question now. can I at least ditch my mask after the 3 shots?
A: well, for now, you can't.
Q: errrr, can i be excused from social distancing since i'm protected?
A: nope you can't.
Q: hmph, can i at least travel across borders freely?
A: depends, cos if u get the virus after vaccination then it's back to square one.
Q: i might still get the virus after booster and annual shots? But surely the multiple shots will make my immune so strong that i will be able to withstand many viruses and variants right?
A: well, it depends.
Q: Depends?? you mean the vaccine might not make me stronger?
A: there can be some adverse reactions.
Q: like? death??? surely no!....right?
A: ahhmmm.... we do have some cases with No Direct links
Q: What??? What other cases do u have?
A: strokes and heart attacks. but don't worry all of them have had No Direct links.
Q: what the heck do u mean by no direct links??
A: well, we can't establish with certainty that the vaccine caused them all that misery.
Q: so you're not scientifically advanced enough to investigate that?
A: no, we just choose not to dig deeper.
Q: this's outrageous! What explanation do u give the family members then??
A: coincidence
Q: just one word??
A: ermm... yes
Q: dude, you sound like a lunatic!... so in spite of all this why are so many people so keen to vaccinate??
A: because the benefits outweigh the potential risks!
Q: wait, maybe i wasn't listening attentively..what's the benefit again??
A: it protects you and your family!
Q: #$&@£¥%¥₩#¥&%#@!!!